Empowering our next generation to work and thrive in Eastern Kentucky
Prosper Appalachia offers a community-based approach to prepare our next generation workforce while connecting eligible young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 with opportunities to prepare for or connect with training and employment in Eastern Kentucky to step onto a new career path. Prosper Appalachia services are all free of charge. We can help with:
Paid work-experience.
Paid on-the-job training.
Paid short-term training tuition assistance.
Skill development to overcome barriers to employment.
One-on-one career advising.
Job placement.
Employer Partnerships
Employers partnering in Prosper Appalachia have the opportunity to teach and advance the careers of next generation workers through internships, apprenticeships, and other work-based learning opportunities. Prosper Appalachian can cover wage reimbursements, provide supportive services, and help locate and screen participants who can fill your staffing and workforce needs. And these employees may come to you with success coaching, training, and other support.
Looking for an Opportunity?
If you’re between the ages of 16 and 24, locate your nearest career center here and contact a career advisor to begin your enrollment.
Looking for New Workers?
If you’re an employer interested in work-based learning opportunities and boosting your workforce, Prosper Appalachia can help.